Friday, February 6, 2009

Same ol' same ol'

Back to school.
Back to tests, assignments and lab reports amid early morning shrieks of 'Faraaaaaahhh, Farraaahhhhh!'. Hahaa.
The same ol' routine doesn't inspire me to write much.

It's 3 months before i see Penang again.
Don't think i'm going back anytime before that.
It's time to put my survival skills to test.
Plus, there's the BTN camp thing going round the rumour mill.
BTN=Biro TataNegara. Something like NS in 4 days.
During the first week of sem break.
That should be quite interesting.

Econs is as interesting as ever.
Mr. Physics Lecturer has thought us to feel the amazing-ness of Physics.
I learnt in Chemistry that one reactant is 'reduct-ed' and the other is oxidized in a redox reaction.
And Calculus classes makes me hungry. =P

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