Friday, November 30, 2007


Very important post ahead :

SPM is finally over!

SPM is finally over!!



=) =) =) =) =)
Had a nice day today. Went out with fellow foodies for movie supposedly. Us 3 foodies eat until forgot to go buy tickets first. XD XD hahaha..Ended up without watching movie with the rest of them. Though it was fun to just walk around enjoying the camaraderie after so many torturous months.
Will miss my school friends so much!

PS-We Know What You Did On The Last Day Of SPM *coughmelcough* =P

Friday, November 23, 2007

SPM Mania

I'm a Porsche 911!

You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite,and you know it.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Heh. Apparently I'm a Porsche. Why can't i be a Ferrari? Why why? Agree on being competitive(read: kiasu-ism) and loves to win. Not so about being up-to-date with technology. Ah yes, i KNOW i'm one of the elite.
I can just about imagine Ames saying "nonsense". XD
SPM does things to people. Seriously.
Right now there's 80% less facts (read:junk) in my head. 20% left to purge from brain. More space for all things non-academic! Wheeee!
Seriously, the exam-oriented education system is turning us all into super duper memorizing machines who can do nothing other than purge out information we have successfully/unsuccessfully crammed into our cranial spaces. Just take a look at this year's SPM exam papers. Sejarah, Pendidikan Moral, BM. Even chemistry and physics. I went into the hall expecting to terrorize the calculator and yet about 90% of the questions are all based on memory work.

Still, the best part was the major mistakes in the Chemistry paper. Not minor mistakes, mind you. Mistakes that causes practically the whole question to not make sense. Not do-able. There is no such element with 22 protons and one electron!! YOU tell me where it is in the Periodic Table. And insoluble salts cannot i repeat, CANNOT recrystallize! Somebody sure didn't check the papers properly. And then there were also the minor mistake in maths paper 1 and i believe, a typo in moral too.
Oh yes, and people say there was a leak in the Add Math paper.

Now go waste some time by taking the sports car quiz!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Trials and tribulations of SPM

I'M BORED. GRRRRRR. Really bored.......Sick and tired of studying and spm's not even half over.
On a happier note, will be going to Singapore in december. Wheeee! =)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Memories of 07

I've been wanting to do this for a long while...Just that sleeping won over typing a post. XD sorry lo..

To the people who enriched my life:

Jasryn-Sarcasm Queen. Hamster face. Cartoon excerpts partner. Seating partner. Friend.
My first friend in standard 1. Though i can't even remember the bench we sat on or the long long walk to 1M or even how we met each other. Haha...I only know cause you told me. XD My apologies for the random memory loss. Who knew we could progress from not-so-close friends to being so close and being part of th 'Fantastic 4'. Haha. Throughout the 4 years we've sat with eac other, you ALWAYS ALWAYS get the seat nearer to the fan. I've always mentioned that i would come earlier to get it from you...and i promtly forgot when i came to school this year. Heh. We have loads of memories together la! How to mention all? Ok, more to the point : Thanks for being a good friend, for listening, for offering advice, for all the silly jokes and for the food escapades. Oh and, the lower secondary years filled with your sarcasm. Which has pretty much mellowed out now. Either that or we've all jsut gotten used to it.

Denise- ASEAN scholar. Smarty-skirt. Kindy friend. Bak bak Wong.
Well, well, well...We've been friends for + - 14 years! I can still remember the times in kindy...we were the smartest people for maths. XD. And we had to teach the two Raymonds. And i have concert pcitures of us both! Hahahaha. Not sure if you can remember...Somehow or other, we just lost touch in primary cause you were in a different class. But we did the butterfly dance, remember?Aimy was tehre too. Jas was MIA. HAHAHAH. Sory Jas. Then we've been friends since upper primary up till now, in form 5. Denise is the one who i find i'm most similar too. We have same wavelengths. =) we study almost the same, we like all sorts of food, we both like Alan Wu and Ron Ng and we like Kimi too! -.-" Thanks for all your help with whatever i don't understand in class/tution. Always the smarty-skirt. and i mean that in a good way. =) Thanks for always allowing me to stop you from studying and start you on talking. And thanks for offering your non-biased advise cause obviously, the 3 of us have our slightly leaning to one side punya pandangan. Heh.

Aimy-Sticker war partner. Fellow IUC and FA Comp. participant. Meticulous checker for REVIEW 2007. Provider of stories. Late night sms buddy.
We've been through a lot. From the time in std 4 where you had the sailormoon spectacles box which i used to play with XD, the time in std 5 where we had so much fun sticking stickers on Syahidah and Jas's tables to the years in secondary school with sleep overs, ed board, rc, prefects board, your interesting stories and your ever developing hair style. =) Oh oh, your stickers evoveld throughtout the years too. From white, plain stickers(ammunition) during the Sticker War era to cute, kawaii, press-able ones. Yeah, and your japanese speaking moments. Haha. And your theory of Add Oil and Eat Books then Vomit Out During Exams. XD So, thanks for everything, thanks for sticking up with me when im' being nuts & thanks for being part of the Fantastic 4 that we are.

Ee Lynn- Master of cooking phone porridge. Lover of animals. Creative & talented. The friend who can cook & will most probably survive on her own. Girl with multiple names.
Will remember the long long hours we used to bergayut on the telephone. Talking about nonsense. And the later years in primary when i got to know you and Him better. I seriously lost count on the times i go over to your house. I've been tehre so many times! =) Am still going to your house. Probably after spm to visit DON! Wheeee. And you la, of course. XD The time in your house where we had salted chicken with ann ting. I miss that so much. And the fact that almost all our other frineds are scared of Cutey. Hehe. i'll forever remember your most used phrase in lower secondary : "I hate boys!!! Ewwww. I'll die a spinster with (insert some certain number of cats)" And look what happened. XD Oh oh, you used to have multiple names too. Remember coconana? Or...cappucino or mrs simtantanchee. Hahah. Ah well, those were the days..Thanks for all the wonderful memories and crazy stuff that we did together.
EG: Friendster testimonials. It certainly wouldn't be half as fun without you. Certainly enjoy every morning this year when you'd come over to our class and talk about random stuff & make us all laugh like nuts. You have a very canggih sense of humour and stlye of laughing. =) though sometimes we can't get it...Eg: the Ichichi, Ichacha, Ichuchu thing. XD

Ok ok, getting too long and boring. will continue with others the next time i blog.
Happy studying, people!

Difussion 101

*smacks face onto book*

*waits for a few minutes*

*smacks harder from a different direction*

C' MMONN!!!!!


How I wish studying for SPM would be as easy as oxygen molecules diffusing into the blood capilaries from the alveoli. Or how oxygen diffuses across the plasma membrane of an amoeba. bromine gas diffuses into the space within air molecules in a gas jar. Or how gamma rays can diffuse/penetrate across skin and aluminium...

The Diffusion Theory:-
1. Brain : super uber diluted (read: empty)
Books : extreme saturation
2. Therefore, a concentration exists
3. Following the rule of diffusion, information molecules should diffuse from region of higher concentration to region of lower concentration
4. It works with laughter & non-academic related nonsense, so it should work with books. SHOULD.

But then again...

Reasons Why Diffusion Theory Can't Work:-
1. Our brain cells are tooooooo far away from the source of information
2. The time it takes for information to diffuse from the books into our cells take too long to complete
3. Hence, it cannot reach the brain in time
4. Either that or our cells are just not highly permeable to the whole pile of junk. Whoops. Meant information.


This might be the last post in an even longer while, considering how rarely i update...At least until the first week of torture is over. So, all the best to fellow SPM takers, take care & God bless! Remember to eat, shit and sleep too! Don't just eat books, shit books or dream of books.

-.-" Don't quite know what that was all about..

ps- remember Hulagu Khan. Grandson of Genghis Khan. XD