I present to you my new sport shoes.
*drum rolls*
Introducing the Adidas Clima Cool Running Shoes, purchased and air-flowned from Singapore as an 18th birthday present, many thanks to my bro-in-law. =) Pretty leh. =D
My old ones have turned into crocs..That's why i'm pro-Adidas and anti-Nike now. Heh.
No more similar sport shoes, Lynn. Unless you buy this one too.
I'm never wearing this to any night hike/ jungle trekking/hill climbing activities for a number of reasons.
1. It's brand new.
2. It's white.
3. Notice the mesh work that's incorporated as part of the design. There many many many! small holes which is good for ventilation
4. Which is also good for leeches to crawl in.
5. I don't want leeches in my shoe, sucking on my blood.
I know how these tiny creatures can squeeze their bodies through the small gaps in your shoes to reach your blood..Tapah Camp night hike was an unforgettable experience. Disgusting little buggers.
As we're on the topic of leeches, it reminds me of an article in theStar about this leech breeding farm in Penang. They have tanks and tanks of growing leeches, which feed on eel blood fortnightly (i think, kinda forgot). It's suppose to increase their protein level or something..Poor innocent eels, dumped into leech infested tanks to die. Oh yes, the remains of the eels are used for something too, which i also forgot. The part that i remember most is that mature leeches can grow up to 20cm long. 20cm!!!! That's like...longer than our normal plastic rulers. Ew. Imagine the amount of blood they can leech off you (was that a pun?).
Moving on...
Our state government will be giving incentives to students who achieved good results in public examinations at a Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang thing. And so, i'll be there this Saturday to see Mr Chief Minister. Probably shake his hands too? XD
Physics lab trials can wait a bit..
My old ones have turned into crocs..That's why i'm pro-Adidas and anti-Nike now. Heh.
No more similar sport shoes, Lynn. Unless you buy this one too.
I'm never wearing this to any night hike/ jungle trekking/hill climbing activities for a number of reasons.
1. It's brand new.
2. It's white.
3. Notice the mesh work that's incorporated as part of the design. There many many many! small holes which is good for ventilation
4. Which is also good for leeches to crawl in.
5. I don't want leeches in my shoe, sucking on my blood.
I know how these tiny creatures can squeeze their bodies through the small gaps in your shoes to reach your blood..Tapah Camp night hike was an unforgettable experience. Disgusting little buggers.
As we're on the topic of leeches, it reminds me of an article in theStar about this leech breeding farm in Penang. They have tanks and tanks of growing leeches, which feed on eel blood fortnightly (i think, kinda forgot). It's suppose to increase their protein level or something..Poor innocent eels, dumped into leech infested tanks to die. Oh yes, the remains of the eels are used for something too, which i also forgot. The part that i remember most is that mature leeches can grow up to 20cm long. 20cm!!!! That's like...longer than our normal plastic rulers. Ew. Imagine the amount of blood they can leech off you (was that a pun?).
Moving on...
Our state government will be giving incentives to students who achieved good results in public examinations at a Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang thing. And so, i'll be there this Saturday to see Mr Chief Minister. Probably shake his hands too? XD
Physics lab trials can wait a bit..