Saturday, April 19, 2008

I wanna eat chicken.

Sime Darby sent me an e-mail, albeit a bit too late.

APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF Pre-University (for SPM leavers) ON Mar 27 2008

Thank you for your interest in the Yayasan Sime Darby Pre-University Scholarship 2008.

Although your extra-curricular activities and qualifications are remarkable, the competition has been very keen and we regret to inform you that you have not been shortlisted for the scholarship interview.

Once again, we thank you for your time and effort and we wish you every

success in your future academic endeavours.

Anyway, not gonna dwell on it. =)
tis time to ramble on about other stuff.

1. Must congratulate self for not going online the past few days.

Such self control.

Such discipline.

Such kuai ness.


You're probably thinking i was nerding 24/7 the past five days.
Nope, not really.
I've only suppressed my online urges, not the ones related to tv shows and nap times.
Plus, i've discovered Sims 2 on my mum's phone so i was pretty busy playing.

2. Trials :
All others were okay except Physics. It was a killer paper.
8 structured questions in one hour. The objective questions weren't that much easier either. I've never felt so....completely clueless. Didn't even know what the question was talking about, much less how to get the answer. Fuhyo. Made loads of wild guesses whenever my limited knowledge wasn't applicable.

Didn't prepare for GP exam today but thankfully managed to finish two essays in two hours. Was pretty worried about GP as i've always done only one miserable essay during the two hour lectures. Good thing there were topics where i could apply my shallow knowledge and mediocre writing skills.

3. Phone calls
People seem to call my house number a lot but they're not looking for the people living here. I've lost count on how many times people make me run all the way downstairs to the living room, answer the phone and hear them ask for Milan Bridal House.
Just the other day, a guy called to ask about an outdoor air-con model (?) or something along those lines...
And then there are these annoying people who not only make you run downstairs, they put down the phone the moment you pick up.

4. Jokes
I came across 'Bushisms' in theStar the other day and deemed it funny enough to be a part in of a blog post. I especially liked the last one.

"More and more of our imports come from overseas"

"The illiteracy level of our children are appalling"

"I know the human being and fish can co-exist peacefully"

Yes, those were words uttered by Mr President himself. And to think he's the leader of a nation...

As we're on the topic of jokes, once Kiran mentioned a lame joke just cause it was lame. Now i will share it with you people. =D

Proton : I think i've lost and electron.
Electron : Are you sure?
Proton : I'm positive.


I bet your first reaction was this : -.-'

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