Thursday, January 8, 2009


I just realized that Mr. Econs Lecturer is right about economics being used in every aspect of life. The Law of Diminishing Returns is at work right now with what i'm doing. I'm putting a lot of additional input(multiple firefox tab browsers, msn conversations, econs reading, sms as opposed to just econs reading) but my increase in ouput is far far less than if i were to do everything one at a time.

The Law of Diminshing Returns : an additional increase in input factors will cause a less than proportionate increase in total ouput, given a fixed level of technology.
Eg : the more workers there are working at creating a product, the lower will the number of goods be produced as opposed to having only one worker working on it.
One worker = no yakking partner = focused on task at hand
But more workers = more yak-time instead of work time.
Hence more workers = reduced number of goods created

So (in a way),
Singular task = job done immediately
Increase in things at hand = more time has to be divided between all
Hence, multi-tasking = decrease in rate of fulfilment of tasks

XD i think this means multi-tasking is bad for me. Heheh.
Or maybe i happen to like this law cause it makes sense.
Unlike psycho which only has theories which can never be completely proven. -.-

I guess this means i will like Econs quite a bit. =)


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