Saturday, September 8, 2007

Graphs, Charts and Tables. Essays too.

Bear with me, I need to let out the unhappy vibes.

The CMGA team of our school got the merit award for the CMGA 2006/2007 program. That's just stating it nicely. In other words, we lost. LOST. I mean really really lost. Not even the top three spots. It's only a miserable consolation. (Wonder what Mdm Principal said when she found out) Disappointing, considering our achievements throughout the years...I think fellow school mates would be rather shocked.

Oh well. Here's an account of what happened...

We arrived with a sense of apprehension (ok, maybe it was just me). On catching a glimpse of a group doing last minute changes to their presentation, my heart just sank even further. (For those who don't know, only the top 3 winning teams are called to present their project) Obviously, our school didn't get that call. Anyway, the top 3 teams gave presentations on their CMGA projects.

A summary of their projects :
1. Recycling (We have that)
2. Conservation of Electricity & Energy (We have that too)
Car pooling ( comments about that)
4. Paper 'bakul' (Ok, we don't have that...)
5. Recycled fashion (Fine, we don't have that either)
6. Supposedly a 'different' recycling (failed to see what was so different about it)

The best part : All 3 groups had COMPOSTING as a FUTURE plan.

You bet our team wasn't happy.

The recycling in our school is unbeatable. The best of the lot. (i'm sorry if this sounds like i'm boasting..but it's a fact) I mean, a certain team's 2 years worth of recycling makes up to less than half of our one year's supply. And, their one month's recycling is about as much as what one class in our school can produce.

Another team just recycles paper products. Hello? What about the other household wastes? Though it was quite funny when they talked about their paper 'bakul'. A certain teacher shouted 'basket' pretty loudly. The whole hall was kinda stunned. (i think it doesn't sound too funny here...It was funny at that point)

Next point, composting is not a future plan for us. We already have it up and running. We don't just have one site, we have Two. I guess the Big shots who are the final judges of the CMGA just overlooked that fact. Or maybe it was because we didn't have a good enough documentation. A lady told us we didn't present it in the way they wanted. Apparently the documentation is of more importance than the site audit itself. And apparently we didn't have enough charts, graphs and the like. Hmph. So now we get the picture. I guess we should all just forget about the real implementation of projects and focus on graph drawing instead. Seems like people forget the fact that the actual reason of the project is to save the environment and reach out the the community about saving the environment. All they care about is the documentation, regardless of whether the project is really done or not.

Ah well, i'll add to this when i think further. Aimy is pestering me to update real quick. There you go! =)

Further comments : Our team has more projects than the others. Different ones too. And i mean really different...XD just had to say that. I'll talk about the essay part some other time. Tired now.


Aimy said...

Sigh. -.-

adelynyeoh said...

That really sucks. Haha! Well life's like that la. Real pity actually.

So which schools won?