Ahhhh..It feels SO SO EXTREMELY liberating to be rid of trials. The sad part is that in a few days time i'd have to start studying again just like everybody else. We have only a month plus left!
Trials was the most exhausting, tiring, brain juice draining two weeks i've ever experienced. Thank God it was only for 9 days. If it lasted any longer than that, i dunno if i can tahan (both physically and mentally). My daily routine during the entire trial season went like this :
Go to school -> Come home -> take short nap -> start studying -> studying gains momentum -> still at it till about 2am -> sleep -> go to school -> sit for exam
Didn't even go online or watched much tv throughout the whole ordeal. I know, i was very kuai. XD Had to exercise every ounce of self control to not go online, not watch tv and not go out. Seriously, haven't gone out for about a month liau! So chek ark..Like kena house arrest. Everyday terkurung di bilik dengan menghadap buku saja. Read books, eat books, sleep also think of books.
Really hope to get the string of A1's that i'm aiming for lo...I know i have the ability just like my friends do, it's only that i didn't have enough practice and stuff. Ok, it was more of my laziness and procrastination. Like add maths. Please please please let it be an A1. I'd be devastated if it's not. Considering both Jas and i actually got 99 for it last term. Haih...that's the akibat of concentrating too much on the other subjects and neglecting add maths.
I had a mental meltdown during paper 2. I know most of the class did too. Maybe Mr Sara felt the tension in the air and took pity on us poor, suffering souls. That's probably why he gave us some extra time to finalize our answers before collecting...Paper 2 was absolutely nerve wrecking. At the first glance, i couldn't answer almost half the questions in the paper. That was when my brain went into panic mode and it decided to throw the ability to think and count rationally out of the window. I definitely made a gazillion mistakes, which i should not have made if i had more time to check. Which i didn't. And the fact that i was so panicky. Which i shouldn't have been. HAIH....
At least paper 1 of add maths wasn't that bad. I was calmer, and more rational. STILL i made mistakes that i shouldn't have done. Eventhough i had enough time to check, i didn't realise my errors. sTILL very annoyed over the fact that i differentiated the equation wrongly albeit knowing how to solve the question. Grrrr...
On a happier note, a friend is going to Singapore at the end of the year! On the ASEAN schoolarship. I feel so proud to be friends with a soon to be ASEAN scholar. Someone whom i've known since kindy. =) Go Denise, the smart cookie!! Make sure you introduce us to a Floyd when you meet one. XD
Update more next time. Dinner now.