Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Short, time is.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Got both questions in the Further Maths test wrong. No thanks to carelessness. How could i have overlooked the fact that (n^2-1) can still be factorised?? Ish. And to think that i felt so happy being able to solve an insane question from the yellow book.
That was my first experience of a Further Maths test which i flunked wonderfully.

I kinda enjoy Further Maths though i might not have brains like the math whizzes..It's fun being able to solve a ridiculously chim question but then again, it's frustrating to not be able to get the solution. Pure Maths is no fun compared to Further Maths. Only thing is that i don't have much time to study for other subjects..I spend so much time doing mostly homework that Physics becomes neglected. And Chem too.
Might drop the subject IF i cannot cope with it.

Trials are in April!!!!! That's like one month away.
And AS is in May!!!!! That's like two months away.
Oh boy.

SPM results coming out on the 12th!!!!! Don't think i'll be able to sleep the night before..I can just visualize Mr Han giving me the results slip. I so don't want to see it. It's such a wrong occasion to meet with high school friends again..
Classes are as usual in college though. No day off for us to collect our results. Mr Gan might even be giving a pop quiz for Moral. I hope he's not as evil as before. We've already missed the 2nd pop quiz. And to think we were planning to skip college. Who in their right minds will be able to concentrate on something as pointless as moral???


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