First there were ants parading into the room through a window in my room.
Then there came insects of all shapes, colors and sizes which landed on any open space that they fancied. Most of the time, my table and bed appeared to be the landing pad of choice. However, now it seems like my table is becoming a favorite for mass burials. Almost every morning, i wake up to see at least one mosquito dead on the table.
Or occasionally, some sesat critter would flit around the room or just perch on books,table, bed...
One fine morning, i woke up to find not one, but hundreds..possibly thousands of Princess Ants decimated in the bathroom.
Recently, there has been an exponential increase in the number of insects living in block S. I counted an average of 10 mosquitoes and at least one moth in a toilet/showering cubicle. Certain cubicles still contain remnants of the Princess Ants Invasion. A pair of wings here...a mangled body there..
I vanquished a roach who happily made his home in one of the drawers in my cupboard. I am terribly afraid of roaches by the way.
Imagine pulling out your drawer to see a dark brown 6-legged insect staring up at you innocently. EW. As soon as it spotted me, it dove further into the unreachable depths of the cupboard. I thought all was lost until it peeked out from wherever it was hiding. Then it did what roaches do best - scuttle here and there at an alarming rate.
Both Michelle and I screamed like crazee.
Hahaha. (I screamed when i saw a cockroach but not when that sampah masyarakat touched me. Ironic isn't it?)
I was a girl with a mission. Armed with my Ridsect, I sprayed like nobody's business and subsequently annihilated the roach. Ridsect was efficacious but now my cupboard stinks badly. UGH.
Mebbe in future, i can invent some Ridsect that doesn't smell. Teehee.
Anyway, that wasn't the end.
When i cleaned my cupbaord, i killed several spiders and what-nots on the way.
Also, i spotted this.
Who knew insects could make such a long blog post.
Who knew..
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