Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Insect Invasion Part 2

Princess Ants came buzzing into my room not too long ago.
Not too sure how they got in but most likely through the window although the window has a protective gauze layer.
Waved the broom around like some demented person and killed them all.
Disgusting i tell you.
Could hear them buzzing on the window sill.
And normal red ants are forming large groups around the dead Princess Ants on the window sill.
At least it has stopped for now but there are quite a number outside at the pantry area.
Once again attracting a steady flow of ants.
Know why there are ants?
Cause the dead insect produces some chemical that stimulate these ants to come and carry the rotting body to a decomposing site..or something..
That's what the Psycho book said..

Why is it i always face insect problems when my roomie is not around?
There better not be a repeat of the toilet invasion of Princess Ants tomorrow.

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