Monday, January 21, 2008


Here i am halfway through the moral essay which i conveniently forgot about until a few hours ago and im' STILL not done...I'm sleepy, i have not done the last further maths qusetion, i'm tired and i can't type coherently. I'm depending on you to show me the errors, red dotted lines!

...4 more pantang larangs to go.

Going to college costs so much. *sigh* Money money money. The thought of how much my parents are paying for me really drives me to want to do well. Who am i kidding, of course i want to do well! Just thinking of WHEN i can actually study. Can't seem to find time at the momeent. Also, the thought of everything that they do or rather, sacrifice for me makes me want to pay them back in so many many ways.

No further maths, no moral, no GP, no Chem tutorial on Wednesday! WHEEEEEEEE! Best of all, no waking up at 6.45!

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