Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I wish somebody would be so extremely nice to do this for me. The guy actually bought the WHOLE TUB of Haagen Dazs ice cream leh. I want!!! *salivates*
Lynn, i would buy you a scoop. Somebody else can get the cake. Put my ice cream and the cake together and voila! you have your ice cream cake. =D

I just had a thought.
...Is this what you call a bimbo blog?
Like if this is a bimbo post in a bimbo blog then i'd be like a bimbo!
Equation : let this blog be a.
let this post be x.
this post, x is part of this blog.
=> x is an element of a
I shall not think anymore.
This hurts my brain like so much.
Like Ouch.

This is really so pointless.
This is what happens when you get bored. ^^
and this is how i rate my classes according to intersting-ness of lectures:
>further maths>maths>chemistry
though it's a tough fight between maths and chemistry.
It's a known fact that moral is nowhere near any of these subjects.
AAANNND we actually PAY money to learn this dry, tasteless stuff called moral.

Edit : I take back my ratings. They're all equally sleep inducing. Even Physics..especially 5pm classes. Cept Further Maths. That will cause me to not sleep.

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